Value of Biodiversity
Value of Biodiversity

The value of Biodiversity

Good morning everyone, and welcome back to my site. Thanks to those who have the patience to follow my posts. A warm welcome to those who are here for the first time.

Now, let’s zoom in on the key aspect — THE VALUE OF BIODIVERSITY.

Biodiversity is the variety of organisms at all levels, from that of the genetic variants belonging to the same species up to the range of the various species, genera, families and higher taxonomic levels (of living things). It also includes the variety of ecosystems, i.e. the variety of communities of organisms present in a particular habitat, and of the physical conditions in which they live (Edward O. Wilson, 1992). This is the real meaning of the value of biodiversity.

If we consider that the geographical world is now explored, the biosphere is still largely unknown. Some estimates put the total number of living species on Earth at around 10 million. Only less than 2 million have been classified and of these, not even 10% have been studied further. While the description of new species slowly advances. They are disappearing at an extinction rate that is hundreds of times higher than the natural rate. This occurs above all due to the destruction of habitats, pollution and the introduction of exotic species. Even within a person’s lifetime (a very short time from the point of view of natural history). It’s possible to detect significant changes in the environment such as the disappearance of habitats and species.

Why worry about it ? Why we need to consider the value of biodiversity ?

If the rate of extinction is not slowed down, an enormous biological heritage will become extinct and we will lose opportunities that are still unknown today. New medicines, models for bionics, wood, new fibres, plants suitable for soil reclamation, etc.

The ecosystem services to which we owe, among other things, the fertilization of the soil and the very air we breathe are also at risk. Other services at risk are: the regulation of climate and water. The provision of minerals through food chains, the fertilization of many plant species through pollination. Without these services man could not survive. In other words; keeping the earth alive are the plants, together with myriads of microorganisms and animals. Majority of which are very small and almost unknown.

As biodiversity declines, there is a decline in the quality of the services provided by ecosystems. This entails unpredictable risks for all us. It is therefore necessary to better protect the biosphere and increase knowledge of biodiversity. It is also important to monitor the state of conservation, starting from the most threatened species and the groups of species that can be “indicators” for the entire environment that surrounds them.

Furthermore, one should not forget the intrinsic value of biological diversity and the aesthetic dimension that the natural world offers, with its incredible variety of structures, shapes, colors, adaptations and behaviours. A cultural and spiritual richness that is also important and necessary for the well-being and balance of humanity.

Thanks for your attention and patience, until the next post.