Here again, with a new fresh post. ” Spring Awakens Fresh Possibilities “
It’s been a little over a month since last update, and in this time, I’ve delved into a few topics related to my passion for photography. As always, thanks to all those who visit my site. My time as always is too little, the things that interest me are many. Reason why the blog updates are few in this period.
Some general updates before delving into photography-related topics.
I ‘m happy to have managed to set up 5 freshwater fish tanks. The fish introduced into the tanks have been generating fry for months now, and now among other things… I will have to take care of finding a new home for them.
The species I currently have in my tanks are: Ancestral Tanichtys albonubes, Gold Oryzias latipes, Poecilia wingei (ex Endler), Poecilia reticulata (Guppy). All reproductive… Find the link for each of the species mentioned. – If you are in any way interested or curious to see my fishes, you can follow me here Aqua Nano Tank.
Photo Update – ” Spring Awakens Fresh Possibilities “
New photo management system
It is not really a specific topic of photography, but it is closely linked to it.
I’m switching in these last weeks to the management of photographs via Apple Ipad, updating my old Ipad 32Gb (2017) to a more recent and new Ipad 256Gb (2022). I’m therefore managing all the photographic material, without using the notebook and the Windows system anymore. So I’m transferring all the photos to a 1TB external disk, connected to the new tablet. Putting everything in order, and I will also have to make a selection of the photos to keep… in short, a good job that I will do calmly and over time.
Photo Editor
I also decided to acquire (yesterday) a photo editing system (Luminar mobile), specifically created for Ipad. After weeks of research and evaluations both in terms of what I need, simplicity and practicality of use. I opted for a software (application for Ipad) with a lifetime license. I’m learning to use it, and I’m doing some photo editing tests. I chose an application without a subscription because my intention is not to have fixed annual costs every year. This specific topic of photo editing, I imagine will be the topic for new and subsequent posts on my site. I’m probably aware that it’s not the best software overall, but it’s the one that perfectly suits my photography editing needs, and also in terms of cost. I must also add as already mentioned several times on this site, that I have NO experience in photo editing, nor have I ever used editing software in past. Except for rare cases in which I’ve been able to see the basic elements and practical operation of some software at the hands of expert friends.
*** The reference to the purchased software as well as the tablet, are NOT forms of covert advertising, nor am I paid… to mention these products. It is solely and simply a concrete and factual reference, to be able to explain and make you fully understand ***
Vintage Lenses
I have no particular updates on this particular topic. I’ve not purchased any new vintage lenses. The limited time available has not allowed me to follow assiduously and attentively any offers present on the local market and/or possibly online.
Macro Photography
My passion for macro photography remains unchanged. I recently did some experiments with autofocus and therefore automatic lenses, but not specifically dedicated to macro photography. In particular, I tested zooms with F6.3 at the maximum focal length of 200mm (min. distance 1,5mt.), for photography of bees and insects. Considering the time of year we are in, the light and the weather… the results are not very interesting for now. But I intend to test the subject further. At the moment the only consideration that I think is possible and that I can report is the ease of approach to the subject that is photographed….