
The news from the site organized by date. Updates for wildlife, floral, macro, and vintage lens photography. Stay updated, follow the news from the site. Curiosity, tests and trials.

Bee Pollinator - 2021.05.17 (b)
Bee Pollinator - 2021.05.17 (b)

Discover the Magic Macro: An Introduction to Macro Photography

Macro photography captures the beauty of small details and presents it in a magnified, captivating way. Whether you're interested in capturing intricate details of flowers, insects, or jewelry, this beginner-friendly guide will help you get started. From understanding the importance of equipment and lighting to learning how to create a compelling composition, this post has everything you need to know about macro photography.

Continue ReadingDiscover the Magic Macro: An Introduction to Macro Photography
Revuenon 50mm F1.8 - Front lens
Revuenon 50mm F1.8 - Front lens

Revuenon Auto MC 50mm F1.8. Finally arrived and tried. Some first photographs to evaluate the mechanical and optical quality of the lens.

Finally arrived and tried. Some first photographs to evaluate the mechanical and optical quality of the lens.

Continue ReadingRevuenon Auto MC 50mm F1.8. Finally arrived and tried. Some first photographs to evaluate the mechanical and optical quality of the lens.