Welcome to my site, thanks for the visit ! Hope you’ll enjoy it
– Photographs shown in these pages are NOT edited. In some circumstances, I’ve used slight corrections to light and contrast. If it was necessary in my personal opinion.
– Over 90% of the photos were taken freehand, Manual Focus, AWB set to auto, without the use of flash or lights.
– The photos shown in this website are NOT HIGH DEFINITION images. – Pixel size: 2560 × 1440
– Macro definition: The ratio of the subject size on the film plane (or sensor plane) to the actual subject size is known as the reproduction ratio. Likewise, a macro lens is classically a lens capable of reproduction ratios of at least 1:1, although it often refers to any lens with a large reproduction ratio, despite rarely exceeding 1:1. So some of my photos (example: flowers, wild flowers), are NOT macro, but close up of the subject.
– I love to photograph in natural light conditions. I am always in search of light, in order to expose the subjects to the conditions that I consider the best.
– In January 2022, I started using vintage lenses on my digital cameras. With results that I consider interesting for the blur look, bokeh effect and the particular charm. These photos of course aren’t macro shots (apart from some photographs taken with the vintageSigma 50mm Macro lens), but close-up images.
Calendula officinalis, LDecorticated sunflower seedsEuphorbia mammillaris, macroFragaria vesca, macroLeontopodium nivale, macroLotus corniculatus, close upMammillaria beneckei, detailsMelon rind in macroOrnithogalum umbellatum, heartRubus ulmifolius, wild fruitClose up and macro shots
– All the subjects photographed then … animals, flowers, insects, butterflies and plants were respected untouched. Photographed exactly as they were seen, in their natural environment.
– The images on these pages relate to the photographic shots taken since February 2021. Shots were taken mainly in North East of the Milan province.
– I apologize for any incorrect classification of the subjects in the images of the site. If you have any suggestions, these are welcome. My intent is to show the beauty and the many shapes and colors of the subjects photographed.