Bees are winged insects, known for their roles in pollination and, in the case of the best-known bee species, the western honey bee, for producing honey.
This page is dedicated to Bees, as pollinators and therefore of life.
Without bees many species of plants and flowers would be unable to reproduce and therefore to grow. Bees are now in a serious crisis. A decrease in their number is recorded throughout the Italian territory, and generally everywhere in the world. Bees are also disappearing in the Lombardy region where I live. Although in my limited capacity, I want to highlight the problem with photographs showing their constant and incessant activity as pollinators.
The images on these pages relate to the photographic shots taken since FEBRUARY 2021. Photographs taken mainly in North East of the Milan province (Lombardia region – Italy). If not in this area, each image will include location/site of the shooting. Time by time, these images will be replaced with new ones (same subject), better in my opinion. I apologize forany incorrect classification of subjects, in the images of the site. If you have any suggestions, these are welcome.
Bee Pollinator – 2021.04.02 (a)
Bee Pollinator – 2021.04.02 (a)
Photo with Laowa 65mm F2.8 – Parameters: F7 | 1/400 | ISO 100 – Manual focus lens, hand free. AWB Auto.
Bees are winged insects, known for their roles in pollination and, in the case of the best-known bee species, the western honey bee, for producing honey. This page is dedicated to bees, as pollinators and therefore of life.