Bee Pollinator - 2021.05.17 (f)
Bee Pollinator - 2021.05.17 (f)

Discover the Beauty and Importance of Bees’ Pollination Activity: A Photographic Gallery

Welcome to my photographic gallery where I am excited to showcase the incredible beauty and importance of bees and their pollination activity. Bees are critical to our ecosystems and play an essential role in our food supply by pollinating over a third of our food crops. In this gallery, you will witness the hard work of bees as they buzz around flowers, collect nectar, and spread pollen. Each photograph captures the intricate details and vibrant colors of these amazing creatures, inviting you to discover the magic of bees. Come take a stroll through this gallery and let the beauty and importance of bees inspire you to take action to protect them and their habitats.

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Pericallis lanata (violet color), L'Hér.
Pericallis lanata (violet color), L'Hér.

First anniversary of my website dedicated to Nature Photography

Welcome to my nature photography website! In just one year, I've added many photographs and different sections to the site. You'll find comprehensive insights into macro photography, vintage lenses, and many hundreds of original naturalistic photographs. My high-quality photographs are available for purchase, which is a small contribution to the site's activity. The site isn't sponsored and doesn't include ads or commercial purposes. The primary aim is to represent flora in its various forms and colors, as well as highlighting the photographic technique used for the shots. Enjoy exploring the site and the free PHOTBOOK section that you can download in PDF format.

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Revuenon 50mm F1.8 - Front lens
Revuenon 50mm F1.8 - Front lens

Revuenon Auto MC 50mm F1.8. Finally arrived and tried. Some first photographs to evaluate the mechanical and optical quality of the lens.

Finally arrived and tried. Some first photographs to evaluate the mechanical and optical quality of the lens.

Continue ReadingRevuenon Auto MC 50mm F1.8. Finally arrived and tried. Some first photographs to evaluate the mechanical and optical quality of the lens.