Tips for taking beautiful photos with Your smartphone

Tips for taking beautiful photos with Your smartphone. Today, smartphones have become the primary tools for capturing special moments. However, there are some small precautions that can make the difference between a mediocre photo and an extraordinary one. Here are five simple tips to get better images with your smartphone.

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Gonepteryx rhamni, L. - 2023.06.25
Gonepteryx rhamni, L. - 2023.06.25

Butterflies | How many species are found in Italy ?

Butterflies are among my favorite subjects to photograph. The reasons are easy to understand. However, capturing them in photos and finding them in nature is not so straightforward. Photographing these beautiful insects from the Lepidoptera family is truly challenging.

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Bee Pollinator - 2021.05.17 (b)
Bee Pollinator - 2021.05.17 (b)

Discover the Magic Macro: An Introduction to Macro Photography

Macro photography captures the beauty of small details and presents it in a magnified, captivating way. Whether you're interested in capturing intricate details of flowers, insects, or jewelry, this beginner-friendly guide will help you get started. From understanding the importance of equipment and lighting to learning how to create a compelling composition, this post has everything you need to know about macro photography.

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