Photography AI Photography
Photography AI Photography

Photography & AI Photography

The closing year has been, in some aspects, the year of AI. For weeks and months, Italian media extensively covered AI on radio, TV, newspapers, magazines, and of course, websites. Specifically, this has also involved AI-generated PHOTOGRAPHY. Could I refrain from discussing this important topic? Certainly not. Anyone interested will find my reflections and thoughts below.

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Light at Sunset
Light at Sunset

Light in photography

At the basis of everything, however, there must be an understanding of light. Knowing that light is needed to take photography is nothing revolutionary or innovative, it's a well-known thing. If you are a photographer who wants to become aware of what he does.

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Colias croceus, Geoffroy - 2023.09.30
Colias croceus, Geoffroy - 2023.09.30

Photographing butterflies – My field experience

Butterflies, those delicate and mesmerizing creatures, have long been a subject of fascination for photographers and nature enthusiasts. Their intricate patterns, vibrant colors, and graceful flight make them perfect subjects for photographers seeking to capture the beauty of the natural world. However, in the digital age, where authenticity is constantly under scrutiny, the realm of butterfly photography is not immune to challenges, particularly the rise of fake videos on platforms like YouTube.

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