Varexon, 35mm F2.8.
Varexon 35mm F2.8, is a semi wide angle prime lens for SLR cameras, with the M42 screw mount. Coated inside.
This lens appears under many names, check Carenar 35mm F2.8-22 (v2) page for more info.
The specifications are infact identical to the “Carenar” brand model.
Specs: Focal 35mm | Aperture F2.8 to F22 | Blades 6 | Min. Focus 0,69mt | Filter 52mm | Weight 206gr | Length 63mm
Personal Evaluation: Mechanical Quality 4,25 | Optical Quality 3,25 | Usability 4 | Price 5 | Bokeh 3,0
*** The evaluations refer to the specimen in my hands, and also to the use of the relative adapter ***
Photos taken with lens. Manual focus. M42/NEX adapter mounted on camera
December 23, 2022 – I found this lens for *** FREE ***. This is why I give it a 5 in my price ratings. On the Italian market of vintage lenses, it is practically unknown. I found some pieces for sale between €15 and €25. So it’s an absolutely cheap lens. This lens was in the stock of REVUENON lenses I bought. As already written above, the lens practically identical to this one is the CARENAR brand, same model. There is not much information available for this lens. It was produced by the Japanese company Cosina and was available for a number of years. The lens has a simple construction, consisting of 5 elements in 5 groups. The front and rear elements are spherical, while the middle three elements are cemented doublets. The lens is also coated to reduce flare and increase contrast. Check CARENAR lens eventually, there is some more information. Those interested can do their own research. The few reviews that I’ve found by doing appropriate searches on the internet are quite negative. No review exceeds an average rating of more than 3,25 stars. At the moment I cannot confirm these evaluations. I need to do adequate photographic evidence to be able to make my honest judgment on the matter.
I didn’t get to try this lens until early FEBRUARY 2023. At the moment I don’t feel like expressing an opinion and therefore giving a vote. However, I must say that the first impressions are fair, perhaps even good. Mechanically it seems well built. The optical quality is yet to be verified with a few tests, but even here it’s not bad at all. – *** MARCH 2023: After taking dozens of photos, I have to admit that the opinions expressed by other users and found on the internet are REAL and CONSISTENT with what I have also found in my photos. The quality of the lens has objectively some limitations, particularly in the definition of images and focusing. I don’t think I will use this lens much in the future, except for other tests maybe, but not for photos that really interest me. I honestly hoped for better. The first impressions had led me to evaluate the lens differently. The photographs displayed here are a selection of the “best” obtained with this lens. *** Sold July 27, 2023 ***

Arnosto medieval rural village, in Fuipiano Imagna
Rural medieval village, landscape view
Sony Alpha 6400 – Varexon 35mm – F13 – 1/400 – ISO 100 – AWB auto.
Sunny – Date: March 11, 2023
Location: Fuipiano Imagna (Bg) – Italy
19th century fresco on the facade of a house
19th century fresco on the facade of a house. Old town
Sony Alpha 6400 – Varexon 35mm – F11 – 1/160 – ISO 100 – AWB auto.
Sunny – Date: February 04, 2023
Location: Ponte San Pietro (Bg) – Italy

Nineteenth-century statue
Nineteenth-century statue of Saint Paul (?). Church of Ponte San Pietro.
Sony Alpha 6400 – Varexon 35mm – F8 – 1/640 – ISO 100 – AWB auto.
Sunny – Date: February 04, 2023
Location: Ponte San Pietro (Bg) – Italy